A Fresh Start
Priceless Beginnings helps kids impacted by domestic violence
By AMY ROGNLIE | Photos courtesy of ANNIE HAMMONS
In January 2019, the lives of Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingen were brutally taken by a ruthless killer. In the aftermath of this tragedy, family and friends bonded together to form Priceless Beginnings, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide new and priceless beginnings for children impacted by domestic violence by enriching their lives with opportunities to participate in activities such as camps, sports and other extracurricular programs.
“We wanted to ensure something good came out of the tragic situation that Jenna and Michael were victims of. Jenna fought hard to protect herself and we wanted to ensure others could find assistance in the same fight, as well as all of the innocent children who are impacted by domestic violence,” says Annie Hammons, president of Priceless Beginnings and “Nana” to Jenna’s young daughter. “I believe one of our biggest contributions to our community is that we willingly work with other local organizations to meet some of the gaps that have been identified to help victims. Whether it is replacing door locks, getting a family to safety, providing shelter short term, or providing furniture needs, these are needs not specifically funded by other organizations.”
In addition, most agencies that work with domestic violence situations focus heavily on the legal aspects of a given situation, and the children often get pushed to the side. Hammons and the other Priceless Beginnings board members began the foundation with Jenna Scott’s young daughter in mind.
“We just had a heart for the kids who are impacted by domestic violence. They didn’t ask for this,” Hammons said. “Our children are our future and we have a responsibility to invest in the future and hopefully the heart to do so as well.”
One of the major ways Priceless Beginnings is making a difference in the lives of children affected by domestic violence is by giving camp scholarships, with each child able to choose where he or she would like to go.
Whether it be equine therapy, baseball camp, soccer camp or art camp, you name it and Priceless Beginnings is there to help make that happen for a child who has been nominated by someone in the community.
“Besides our camp scholarships, we’ve paid for senior pictures, class rings, sports fees — things that mean so much to the kids and would otherwise fall through the cracks,” Hammons said.
This past year, Priceless Beginnings initiated its first general scholarship program in Academy and Holland High Schools, giving $1,000 in Jenna and Michael’s name to a graduating senior from both schools. In the future, the organization hopes to expand the program to more schools as well as increase the amount of the scholarship.

Jax’s Fund is the newest arm of the organization and provides help for pets who are affected by domestic violence situations. Statistics show that people in abusive situations will often risk their own safety and stay in a dangerous situation if they are not able to take their beloved pet with them.
“We want to be able to assist people in domestic violence situations where they are wanting to leave their situation, but won’t do so because they have a pet that they fear is also in danger. We want to be able to help with the pet so that the people can get out of their domestic violence situation,” said Terri Boedecker, local veterinarian and Priceless Beginnings board member.
Boedecker is also Michael’s aunt. “Michael had a beloved dog named Jax. We knew right away [when Michael was missing] that there was a problem because Michael would have never left Jax the way we found him.”
Jax’s Fund hopes to cover expenses such as boarding pets, locating pet fosters, or finding a shelter that will accept both the family members and their pet.
Jax’s Fund is in its infancy. Board members are currently trying to make contacts with local boarding facilities, trainers and breed rescue groups to help bring awareness of the need for this service and to increase community involvement
Priceless Beginnings is run completely by volunteers. They sponsor several fundraisers a year to help families across Central Texas, with their biggest fundraiser being their annual 5K walk in memory of Jenna and Michael. They typically have about 100 walkers, and this year they added sponsorships by local businesses.
“If folks could just see the faces of these innocent kids when we deliver items to their homes to give them a fresh start or we tell them they can go to a camp that they desire to, or deliver gifts for Christmas, school supplies, and the many other ways that we help,” Hammons said, “you could see the reward in being a part of such a giving organization.”
How to help
Priceless Beginnings is seeking ongoing corporate sponsorship. In addition, help is needed in these areas:
- Donate online at http://www.pricelessbeginnings.org/. Donations may be earmarked for Jax’s Fund, if desired.
- Participate in the annual 5K, usually scheduled in October
- Volunteer to assist at the race
- Occasional need for beds, furniture, and clothing to assist families
- Storage space to store larger items until they are needed