Walk With a Doc Strengthens Bodies and Communities
By Fred Afflerbach
Thanks to the Walk With a Doc program provided by two local hospitals — Baylor Scott & White and AdventHealth Central Texas — getting a new start on a healthy lifestyle is as easy as putting one foot in front of the other.
People interested in lowering their blood pressure, losing weight, strengthening their heart and numerous other health benefits can meet a doctor once a month with no appointment, no deductible and no co-pay. And as a side benefit, you’re welcome to join like-minded folks on a short hike at a city park or college track.
Walk With a Doc is a nationwide program founded by a Columbus, Ohio, cardiologist “frustrated with his inability to affect behavior change in the clinical setting.” Since then, the grassroots effort has grown to more than 500 chapters worldwide.
Both programs were made possible by a grant from the Texas Medical Association.

Baylor Scott & White
On a bright August morning, a healthy mix of about 30 folks — from young parents pushing strollers to seniors walking with their dogs — gathered at Miller Park in Temple with a common purpose, explore the health benefits of walking. After a 15-minute talk by two Baylor Scott & White dermatologists, the walkers fell into groups according to their comfort level. They walked a scenic loop past a green soccer field, a pond with a water fountain, towering cypress and pecans trees, and then across a footbridge.
Two retirees and avid walkers, Charlie and Dianne Nash, said they rarely miss an outing, even when the skies are overcast and the cold January wind blows. They moved to Bell County from the Philadelphia area in early 2018.
Dianne said that regardless your level of physical fitness, you’ll find the outing worthwhile. “Although this is only once a month, it generates the enthusiasm to be able to perform more frequently. Do what you can. If you can’t do the whole walk, get out here and listen to the doctors give advice on different topics. And just walk what you can. You have to start somewhere.”
Dr. Todd Bohannon, a vascular surgeon at Baylor Scott & White, was instrumental in implementing the Walk With a Doc program in Temple in 2016. His inspiration sprang from a Walk With a Doc event he attended in Georgetown.
“I’ve seen people who have come back again that have made changes in their lives. You see people who have lost weight and are just living healthy,” Bohannon said. “I enjoy it because it’s a nice way to help the community and when we have people come out and have a good time it gives me a nice warm feeling. It’s nice to help people to get on the path to healthier lives with something as simple as walking.”
The City of Temple also is a sponsor for the walk in Miller Park.

In early 2018, AdventHealth Central Texas started its Walk With a Doc monthly meeting in Killeen. Sarah Kennedy, wellness coordinator, said she is happy with the turnout, on average about 20 people. Walkers are typically curious about how to live a healthier lifestyle. For about 15 minutes a doctor will speak on of a variety of topics such as diabetes, orthopedics, healthy lifestyle. The walk and talk and short discussion focuses on the mind, body and spirit.
The walk is dog friendly, kid friendly and family friendly.
Removing barriers to healthcare in a relaxing setting was the impetus for starting a local Walk With a Doc chapter, Kennedy said.
“A lot of times a visit to the doctor can be nerve-wracking. It’s a more neutral place, where community members can come out and interact with our doctor and maybe ask some questions they’re not as comfortable asking one-on-one with their provider. It encourages our community to get outside and fellowship with one another and get active,” Kennedy said. “And during that walk, the doctor’s walking right next to our participants. They’re able to go right up and ask questions or just have conversations. A lot of the doctors bring their whole family. So we have a lot of children there.”
A woman in her mid-60s who suffers from obesity recently opened up to Kennedy. “She was really in bad health and she was wanting to become more active. She just reported how supported she felt being part of a group that’s encouraging and motivating. The support system has really been a benefit.”
Where can I walk with a doc?
- Temple: Baylor Scott & White Temple sponsors a 9 a.m. walk the third Saturday of each month at Miller Park: 1919 N. First St.
- Killeen: Baylor Scott & White sponsors a 9 a.m. walk the second Saturday of the month at Lions Club Park, 1700 E. Stan Schlueter Loop.
- AdventHealth sponsors an 8 a.m. walk the first Sunday of each month at the Central Texas College walking trail: 6200 W. Central Texas Expressway, Killeen. Meet in front of the CTC gym. AdventHealth will provide free flu shots and information about flu prevention at the Oct. 6 walk.