1914 Coffee House: Former farmhouse now serves up coffee, togetherness

Story and photos by BOBBIE JO YOUNG

Inside a quaint coffee house nestled on the corner of Avenue R and South 33rd Street in Temple, the air is thick with the rich aroma of fresh-brewed coffee and steamed milk. Soft, Christian music plays in the background, mingling with the soft buzz of conversation from patrons lounging in cozy armchairs or studying together at small, charming tables. As a customer approaches the counter to retrieve his Chai Tea Latte, the wooden floorboards emit a soft creak, adding to the cozy atmosphere of the charming shop.

For Greg and Sonya Burnett, the journey to opening 1914 Coffee House was guided by a profound sense of purpose and a desire to create a space where their Christian values could flourish. It was more than just a business venture; it was their ministry — a calling to share their faith and extend hospitality to all who enter.

“If you had told me ten years ago, I’d be running a coffee shop, I would have said you’re crazy,” Greg says.

The genesis of this creation began in June of 2019, long before Temple saw the rise of Dutch Bros and Black Rifle Coffee shops. The Burnetts, driven by their vision, embarked on a mission to find the perfect location for their venture. Fate led them to a corner lot with an old farmhouse steeped in history, where it once stood proudly on a dairy farm. They composed a letter to the property owner, a retired VA surgeon, who, despite declining similar offers in the past, felt a compelling pull to support their endeavor.

Their journey wasn’t without its challenges. Greg, with his day job of overseeing IT at RVOS Insurance, and Sonya, a former teacher at CTCS, had no prior experience in the world of coffee. But armed with determination and a thirst for knowledge, they delved into the craft, immersing themselves in the culture of coffee shops, devouring books, and honing their skills through practice.

The name “1914” holds both historical significance and personal meaning for the Burnetts. It pays homage to the year the farmhouse was built, but more importantly, it embodies Sonya’s favorite Bible verse, Psalm 19:14 — a guiding light that has illuminated her path throughout life.

Beyond its offerings of specialty drinks like the popular “1914” cold brew with “shugie” shots and energizing Lotus drinks, 1914 Coffee House is a hub of culinary delights. From decadent “cruffins” — croissant-shaped muffins stuffed with savory or sweet fillings — to homemade chocolate chip cookies and “munchables” for on-the-go, every bite is a testament to their commitment to quality and creativity.

But 1914 Coffee House is more than just a place to grab a coffee. It’s a community hub, complete with a playground for kids and a cozy back deck where parents can relax while their little ones play. Greg and Sonya have big plans for the future, including an expansion into the upstairs space, but their commitment to faith and community will always be at the heart of everything they do.