Cosmetic surgery yields benefits for local women


Even with the advancements in modern medicine, the topic of cosmetic surgery can still be a touchy subject, but for some, the life-changing rewards greatly outweigh the risks.

“My chest isn’t going to cause me back pain today. I can pick up my child. I can run through the park,” Caitlyn Long said. “Those are all things I can do now because of plastic surgery.”

When she was 14, Caitlyn was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal condition that often causes a lot of excess weight in the abdomen; and endometriosis, a gynecological disease that causes uterine tissue to grow outside the uterus. She also suffers from degenerative disc disease, a condition that causes spinal discs to wear down, causing extreme pain.

“I was in a car accident that made it a lot worse when I was 18,” Caitlyn said. “I hurt my back and was almost paralyzed from the waist down for about a year and I gained a lot of weight. At my highest weight I was about 350-355.”

After moving to Killeen as an Army spouse, she made the decision to see the doctors at Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center on Fort Cavazos to see what could be done about her severe weight gain. They recommended she receive the gastric sleeve, which was performed right at the installation hospital. After losing 150 pounds, she realized she did not lose any weight in her breasts, which were a size 42-JJJ. She also had an extreme amount of extra skin from the lower half of her stomach, so they approved for her to go see Dr. Samuel Lance, a plastic surgeon with Baylor Scott & White Cosmetic Surgery Center – Temple.

The surgeon, who has more than 14 years of experience, performed a panniculectomy (removal of excess skin and fat in abdomen) and breast augmentation on Caitlyn, who said the surgeries made all the difference for her.

“Everything is so much lighter. I love my body now. Just being able to buy a pair of jeans and not having to worry about having to wear shapewear because of the loose skin. Now I can just walk into a normal store,” she said, admitting the greatest benefit is because, “I haven’t worn a bra since my surgery up top, which is my goal, to never have to wear a bra again.”

After her success, Caitlyn recommended Dr. Lance to her friend, Amanda Van Loon.

Amanda grew up in a large family with large women and she was no different. At 5 feet 1 inch, 270 pounds, she decided enough was enough, so she began asking her doctor at CRDAMC about weight loss surgery. By the end of 2018 she started the process for bariatric surgery.

“My initial reason for wanting to do it is because I had such low energy,” Amanda said. “I have two small kids that I just felt so uncomfortable just going around and playing. I got tired and winded and just didn’t feel like I could keep up with my own family.”

After losing more than 100 pounds and feeling like a new person, she decided to speak with her doctor about a tummy tuck.

“Initially, it was to help me with the loose skin and to help me feel better in the body that had become mine, which I feel like is a really important thing to say,” Amanda said.

Then in November 2023, at the recommendation of her friend Caitlyn, Amanda went to see Dr. Lance to receive a breast reduction surgery, something she feels was one of the best decisions she’s ever made.

“I was a GGG (bra size) at the time,” Amanda said. “I had shirts that fit me everywhere except my breasts and the buttons would come undone. I’ve actually stabbed myself with a safety pin because I’ve stabbed myself while trying to keep my shirt from coming undone, just trying to make it appropriate for other people, while I get to be uncomfortable.”

Amanda said that although the weight loss was great, she’s actually happiest with her breast reduction surgery. “That’s made my life so much easier.”

Amanda’s breast reduction also yielded unexpected results — abnormal tissue in one breast.

“It was also health-wise beneficial too because I found out I have abnormal tissue in one of my breasts and am high-risk for breast cancer. It has allowed me to be prepared … I’m fine, but I’d rather know now then cancer come up and I didn’t know and wasn’t prepared and wasn’t already seeing a specialist.”

Like her friend Caitlyn, one of the best things about her cosmetic surgeries is the ability to keep up with her family.

“I can play with my kids and wrestle with them and we go on hikes. It’s really changed my life,” Amanda said. “I now feel like the person I wanted to be all along, I have a second chance at being that person.”