Dive In to a Psychological Thriller

By PHOENIX CARLISLE | Cover courtesy of the publisher

Summer is about getting gorgeously tan, wearing classy perfume, and having the time of our lives … then maybe some rich drama. Throughout The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine, the summer will be drama filled with plot twists you couldn’t predict even if you read the ending first.

Amber Patterson is tired of being a nobody: a plain, invisible woman who blends into the background. She deserves more — a life of money and power like the one blond-haired, blue-eyed goddess Daphne Parrish, who Amber believes, takes her “perfect” life for granted. To everyone in the exclusive setting of Bishops Harbor, Daphne — a socialite and philanthropist — and her real-estate husband, Jackson, are front-page perfection. Amber’s envy could eat her alive … if she didn’t have a plan. Amber uses Daphne’s compassion and caring to insinuate herself into the family’s life. Before long, Amber is Daphne’s closest confidant, leaving her to grow closer to Jackson. Yet a skeleton from both women’s past may unravel everything that Amber has worked toward, and if it is discovered, her well-laid plan may fall to pieces.

This novel’s plot was insane. It was twisted, dark, rich and desperate. Constantine split the book in two parts which allows the reader to explore Amber’s side of the story — filled with jealousy, anger and greed against the beautiful Mrs. Parrish — then Daphne’s side. The well-developed plot revolves around Jackson Parrish and how he infiltrates both women’s lives. It is gorgeous writing, leading to a story you will never forget or expect. This book is the definition of not taking other’s lives at face value. Nothing will ever seem as it is within the tragic life of Daphne Parrish.

Now let’s talk about this book’s aesthetic. I absolutely loved this book. Christmas in New York? The summer home in the Hamptons? The gorgeous colonial style home of the Parrishes? The entire book was one fabulous setting after the next. As much as I ultimately adore Daphne, I too am incredibly jealous of some parts of her life. This book is the perfect summer read, inviting you to a world of classy pearls, white bathing suits and rich environments. The aura of mystery abounds as the Parrish life is exposed and you begin to shame Amber for her plan. The refreshing ending for Daphne teaches the lesson to be careful what you wish for.

Which brings me to my ultimate conflict within this book. The novel brings in so many emotions about every character that you truly do not know whether to hate or understand everyone’s motives, except Mr. Parrish, whom you will hate the entire time. The two women are so incredibly different in both of their perspectives — white swan and black swan. It was an intriguing way to demonstrate how characters’ lives can throw one another’s off and also complete them at the same time.

Now, this book does have some trigger warnings I would want to make readers aware of. There is cheating demonstrated, as seen through Amber’s entire plan. Then the plot focuses on the abusive relationship in the Parrish household. I cannot share everything without revealing the whole plot, yet I would recommend taking a look online before going in blindly. Or do like I did, and be shocked to your sun-kissed core as the story unfolds.

The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine is the perfect summer drama. The plot twists, aesthetic and settings are enough to gain one’s ultimate attention.

Happy summer, and I hope you enjoy this thrilling drama.