Operation Feeding Temple helps meet basic needs for Central Texans


Operation Feeding Temple’s goal is to meet one of humanity’s most basic needs — food.

To help fulfill the need, the nonprofit organization is one of the main driving forces behind Food for Families, the annual project that helps stock the shelves of food pantries across Central Texas.

The mission of Operation Feeding Temple is to assist area food pantries in organizing and conducting food drives, fundraisers and benefits, as well as gathering, storing and distributing food, clothing and monetary donations for the benefit of individuals and families in need.

“Our community is unique in that all four of our main food pantries in the area work together,” said Derrel Thompson, director of Operation Feeding Temple. “The director of each of the pantries sits on our board, and any donations are split four ways and equally support Temple Christian Outreach, Love of Christ Food Pantry, Taylor’s Valley Baptist Church and Churches Touching Lives for Christ.”

All food or donations gathered in Temple stay in Temple to feed those who are hungry in the community. As with most nonprofits, the food pantries have seen an increase in population and need this year. Operation Feeding Temple board members are gratified to see the community involvement with helping feed the hungry in our area.

“Baylor Scott & White Health has been a great blessing to us,” said Lisle Meeker, an Operation Feeding Temple board member and longtime volunteer.

“Each year, they give us a great location for the Food for Families collection day in November and also provide most of the volunteers. Even the docs come and help when they can, and Baylor Scott & White Health staff show up to volunteer all day long,” Meeker added.

Besides the Food for Families event every November, Operation Feeding Temple also hosts several smaller food drives during the year.

“We’re all about supporting others and providing some of the legwork,” Meeker said. “We’d love to help with some more corporate food drives — employers challenging their employees to bring in food. We help folks organize their food drives and even provide some resources to make the event go smoothly.

“With the help of volunteers, community leaders, businesses, and ordinary citizens, we can fight food insecurity in our community. Operation Feeding Temple accepts monetary and food donations year-round.”

Website: operationfeedingtemple.org
Email: OperationFeedingTemple@gmail.com
Social: facebook.com/OperationFeedingTemple