Work out at home to meet fitness goals


New Year’s is synonymous with resolutions, typically geared toward wellness and overall health improvement. For many, the start of 2023 may spark motivation to “get in shape” or to “begin an exercise program.” With the all the latest technological advances, achieving your fitness goals is not only accessible but cost-effective as well.

While a fitness center membership is appropriate for some, other people may benefit from working out in the comfort of their home or even the outdoors. Having workout equipment at home is convenient, economical and motivational. With all the available equipment, however, it may be difficult to know which to invest in.

Below are a few ideas to get started; utilize all three with a workout app on your phone and get started today!


Kettlebells are versatile and durable and offer cardiovascular, strength and stability workouts. With a kettlebell, you can perform almost any exercise recommended for dumbbells and the handle is perfect for cardiovascular swings. There is no need to spend a fortune on an expensive kettlebell, rather choose moderate weight which is heavy enough to offer a challenge but light enough to remain safe with good form. A great kettlebell exercise? The kettlebell swing.

How to perform the kettlebell swing:

  • Start in a hinge (hips back, knees slightly bent, torso leaned forward at 45 degrees) holding the handle of a kettlebell with both hands, arms extended straight toward floor and bell between knees.
  • In one motion, squeeze glutes, straighten legs, lift torso, and thrust hips forward, while swinging the weight to shoulder height, keeping your arms straight and core tight.
  • Reverse the movement, bringing the kettlebell between your legs. Do this 12-15 times.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands offer the ultimate in convenience. They are easy to store and travel with and can be used in a variety of ways for strength training. In some cases, resistance bands can be even more beneficial than dumbbells because more muscles are recruited for stabilization.
Additionally, resistance bands are highly inexpensive; nevertheless, be sure to purchase a quality band to avoid snapping of the band during exercise. My favorite? The seated row.

How to perform the seated row:

  • Start in a seated position with feet extended straight in front of you, band around both feet.
  • Grasp the handlebars of the band to create tension, keeping arms bent to 90 degrees.
  • Keep your arms glued to your sides as you pull back, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to starting position and repeat 12-15 times.


An important component to weight training is a set of dumbbells. Dumbbells are a classic addition to a home gym because they offer everything as workouts can vary from exercises, sets, repetitions to different parts of the body. Additionally, there are many free workouts available online to get you started on a safe and effective workout.

Dumbbells do not have to be expensive-most retail stores offer reasonably priced neoprene dumbbells perfect for a home gym. A classic dumbbell move? The shoulder press.

How to perform the shoulder press:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft, and core engaged. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, just outside of shoulders with palms facing forward, and elbows pointing down.
  • Exhale while pressing dumbbells directly overhead; wrists stack directly over shoulders and biceps are next to ears. Keep core engaged.
  • Reverse the movement so the dumbbells follow the same path to return to starting position. Repeat 12-15 times.

Carey Stites, MS, RD, LD, CPT, is a registered and licensed dietitian in Harker Heights. She obtained a master’s degree in nutrition and dietetics from Texas Tech University has been a practicing dietitian since 2001. Carey is also an AFAA certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer; she has promoted health and wellness through presentations, classes, writing and cooking demonstrations all over Texas.